Privacy policy


This privacy policy is intended to inform the users of this website about the nature, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data by the website operator, TAGEX Technischer Handel GmbH, about the nature and purpose of the collection and use of personal data.

The website operator takes your data protection very seriously and treats your personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory regulations. As new technologies and the constant further development of this website may result in changes to this data protection declaration, we recommend that you read through the data protection declaration again at regular intervals.

Definitions of the terms used (e.g. "personal data" or "processing") can be found in Art. 4 DSGVO.


We, the website operator or page provider, collect data on accesses to the website on the basis of our legitimate interest (see Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. DSGVO) and store these as "server log files" on the website server. The following data is logged in this way:

Visited website

Time at the time of access

Amount of data sent in bytes

Source/reference from which you came to the site

Browser used

Operating system used

IP address used


The server log files are stored for a maximum of 7 days and then deleted. The data is stored for security reasons, e.g. to be able to clarify cases of misuse. If data must be retained for evidentiary reasons, it is exempt from deletion until the incident has been finally clarified.


This website uses cookies for pseudonymised range measurement, which are transmitted either from our server or the server of a third party to the browser of the user Muster von Cookies are small files that are stored on your terminal device. Your browser accesses these files. The use of cookies increases the user-friendliness and security of this website. If you do not want cookies to be stored on your terminal device for the purpose of measuring reach, you can object to the use of these files here:

Cookie deactivation page of the network advertising initiative:!/
Cookie deactivation page of the US website:!/
Cookie deactivation page of the European website:!/


Popular browsers offer the setting option to not allow cookies. Note: It is not guaranteed that you will be able to access all the features of this website without restriction if you set your browser to disable cookies.


The website operator only collects, uses and discloses your personal data if this is permitted by law or if you consent to the collection of such data. Personal data is any information that can be used to identify you personally and that can be traced back to you - for example, your name, e-mail address and telephone number.

You can also visit this website without providing any personal information. However, in order to improve our online services, we store (without personal reference) your access data to this website. This access data includes, for example, the file you requested or the name of your internet provider. By making the data anonymous, it is not possible to draw conclusions about your person.


If you contact us as the website operator using the contact options provided, your details will be stored so that we can use them to process and respond to your enquiry. This data will not be passed on to third parties without your consent.


This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc, (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; "Google"). The use includes the "Universal Analytics" mode of operation. This makes it possible to assign data, sessions and interactions across multiple devices to a pseudonymous user ID and thus to analyse the activities of a user across devices.

Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyse how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. In the event that IP anonymisation is activated on this website, however, your IP address will be truncated beforehand by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website operator. Our legitimate interest in data processing also lies in these purposes. The legal basis for the use of Google Analytics is § 15 para. 3 TMG and Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. The data sent by us and linked to cookies, user IDs (e.g. user ID) or advertising IDs are automatically deleted after 14 months. The deletion of data whose retention period has been reached takes place automatically once a month. You can find more information on the terms of use and data protection at [] or at []. We would like to point out that on this website Google Analytics has been extended by the code "anonymizeIp();" to ensure anonymised collection of IP addresses (so-called IP masking)."

You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. In addition, you can prevent the collection of the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) to Google as well as the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser add-on. Opt-out cookies prevent the future collection of your data when visiting this website. To prevent collection by Universal Analytics across different devices, you must perform the opt-out on all systems used. If you click here, the opt-out cookie will be set: Google Analytics opt-out.


We have integrated Google AdWords services on our website. Google AdWords is an Internet advertising service that allows advertisers to place ads in Google's search engine results as well as in the Google advertising network. Google AdWords allows an advertiser to specify certain keywords in advance, by means of which an ad is displayed in Google's search engine results exclusively when the user retrieves a keyword-relevant search result with the search engine. In the Google advertising network, the ads are distributed on topic-relevant websites by means of an automatic algorithm and in compliance with the previously defined keywords.

The operating company of the Google AdWords services is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, USA.

The purpose of Google AdWords is to advertise our website by displaying interest-relevant advertising on the websites of third-party companies and in the search engine results of the Google search engine and to display third-party advertising on our website.

If a data subject accesses our website via a Google advertisement, a so-called conversion cookie is stored by Google on the user's end device. Cookies are small text files that are stored by the internet browser on the user's end device. A conversion cookie loses its validity after thirty days and is not used to identify the person concerned. If the cookie has not yet expired, the conversion cookie is used to track whether certain sub-pages, for example the shopping basket of an online shop system, have been called up on our website. The conversion cookie enables both us and Google to track whether a data subject who has accessed our website via an AdWords ad has generated a sale, i.e. has completed or cancelled a purchase of goods.

The data and information collected through the use of the conversion cookie are used by Google to compile visit statistics for our website. These visit statistics are in turn used by us to determine the total number of users who were referred to us via AdWords ads, i.e. to determine the success or failure of the respective AdWords ad and to optimise our AdWords ads for the future. Neither our company nor other advertisers of Google AdWords receive information from Google by means of which the data subject could be identified.

By means of the conversion cookie, personal information, such as the websites visited by the data subject, is stored. Each time the data subject visits our website, personal data, including the IP address of the internet connection used by the data subject, is transmitted to Google in the United States of America. This personal data is stored by Google in the United States of America. Google may share this personal data collected via the technical process with third parties.

You can prevent the setting of cookies by our website at any time by means of a corresponding setting of the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent Google from setting a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, a cookie already set by Google Analytics can be deleted at any time via the internet browser or other software programmes. 

Furthermore, you have the option to object to interest-based advertising by Google. To do this, you must call up the link [] from each of the internet browsers you use and make the desired settings there.

Further information and the applicable data protection regulations of Google can be found at []..


As a user, you have the right to request free information about what personal data has been stored about you. You also have the right to have inaccurate data corrected and to have processing of your personal data restricted or erased. If applicable, you can also exercise your right to data portability. If you believe that your data has been processed unlawfully, you may lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority.


Unless your request conflicts with a legal obligation to retain data (e.g. data retention), you have a right to have your data deleted. Data stored by us will be deleted if it is no longer necessary for its intended purpose and there are no legal retention periods. If deletion cannot be carried out because the data is required for permissible legal purposes, data processing will be restricted. In this case, the data will be blocked and not processed for other purposes.


If you would like to have your personal data corrected, blocked, deleted or accessed, or if you have any questions regarding the collection, processing or use of your personal data, or if you would like to withdraw your consent, please contact us at the following e-mail address: []
